What You Can Do with An Animated Explainer Video?

One of the most popular forms of an animated explainer video is the infographic but if you take that and elevate it to a newer level by adding narration you get an even more compelling animated explainer video. This form of content can be used in many different ways.

You can utilise an animated explainer video to promote a product or service that your brand or business is offering. They are also great tools to use in your training or recruiting process. The use of audio and graphics combined creates a better engagement and retention when it comes to your audience.

The short but concise videos don’t take up much of your audience time and still impart your brand message and voice in a way that will help build your brand awareness. That is why so many companies, brands, and influencers are opting to utilise these types of animated videos as part of their marketing strategy.

What style of animated explainer video should I choose?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Whiteboard explainer

Whiteboard explainer videos are a pretty well-known type of explainer video. These videos are crafted by recording the artist as they are drawing illustrations and writing words on a whiteboard. Though nowadays there are also digital platforms that allow you to do this, and they are not always black and white any longer.

This type of animated explainer video is perfect for explaining a service or process without distractions. That means it’s great for B2B businesses, IT companies as well as marketing agencies. It allows for complex processes and information to easily be disseminated to an audience that is drawn into the fact it is being illustrated live. It can also be used for training purposes as it is great for educating individuals too.

This style of animated explainer video is very budget-friendly and takes limited time to produce. That is why smaller businesses and brands can benefit greatly from considering this option.

Motion graphics

This is a graphic and text-based option when it comes to animated explainer videos. it is a simple yet complicated process that uses animation paired with music to create the illusion of motion. Oftentimes this type of animated video finds its way into projects from businesses in the technology or financial industry to name a few.

It is a perfect option if you’re looking to create a commercial or promote your services and products. The intricate yet elegant animation allows for a fast pace which suits the limited time frame afforded for animated explainer videos.

The intricacies that go into the creation of this style of animated video mean that the process of production may take a little bit longer. However, when it comes to budget this option has a wide range of price points Which means you will have to shop around to find the right agency for your business.

A multicoloured animated graphic woman wearing glasses

3D motion graphics

When it comes to animation techniques 3D motion graphics is taking the simple motion graphics we discussed above and adding depth and dimension to a project. By taking the simple shapes, icons, and text that are used in traditional emotional graphics you can add more interest and therefore grab people’s attention faster.

Just like with traditional motion graphics 3D motion graphics are perfect for commercials or product breakdowns. They can even be used to explain complicated technology or products in a more engaging way. But due to the high budgetary costs, this option is best if looking to create a commercial.

This type of motion graphic adds on even more time as there is now a need for rendering out 3D texts and objects. This means that there are much like the traditional motion graphics will be added time onto the base timeline and there will be a lot of variation when it comes to pricing.

Kinetic typography

Another option is kinetic typography which is very similar to motion graphics except for it is solely focused on text. This text can be 2D or 3D but the key factor in this type of animation is the movement of the text.

Because it is focused so much on text and numbers it is perfect if you’re trying to explain an idea. Unlike static graphics though because of the motion, even the simple idea of expressing a concept becomes more engaging because there is motion and most often some sort of sound design or music accompanying it.

With this type of animated explainer video, the timeline for completion can vary greatly depending on whether you decide to go with 2D or 3D. This is also a key factor when it comes to the budget for the project.

Paper Cutout Animation

We will discuss traditional stop motion in a little bit but one of the most endearing forms of stop motion that is commonly used in explainer videos is the cutout animation. This type of animated video requires a little camera work. Taking that camera the animator takes snapshots of the paper cutout animations as they move through the structure of the script.

Once this is done those images are uploaded into a computer and digitally spliced together to create a video. This is a great option if you’re just looking to tell a story. It gives you both a cartoon style feel which elicits a comfortable vibe for your audience. This makes it perfect for a B2C company that is trying to grab attention and build strong brand loyalty.

This process is a little more time consuming than many of the others because there are some very hands-on artistic skills needed. Not only is the animator having to use a camera, but they are also having to hand draw all the elements. This very hands-on approach typically means that this type of animated video explainer may be a little more pricey.

Digital cutout animation

We will discuss traditional stop motion in a little bit but one of the most endearing forms of stop motion that is commonly used in explainer videos is the cutout animation. This type of animated video requires a little camera work. Taking that camera the animator takes snapshots of the paper cutout animations as they move through the structure of the script.

Once this is done those images are uploaded into a computer and digitally spliced together to create a video. This is a great option if you’re just looking to tell a story. It gives you both a cartoon style feel which elicits a comfortable vibe for your audience. This makes it perfect for a B2C company that is trying to grab attention and build strong brand loyalty.

This process is a little more time consuming than many of the others because there are some very hands-on artistic skills needed. Not only is the animator having to use a camera, but they are also having to hand draw all the elements. This very hands-on approach typically means that this type of animated video explainer may be a little more pricey.

Cartoon animation

You may look at cartoon animation and think that this is really only suitable for a brand or business that is looking to market towards a younger demographic. But this type of animated explainer video actually has a wide range of use because it is fun and engaging.

Cartoon animation can be used in many different industries because it utilses a wide range of colours and can still break down complex ideas. By utilising animation in a cartoon style it is also eliciting a sense of nostalgia from the audience which keeps them engaged for longer.

This type of animated explainer video will require some old school animation principles. That being said even with the fact that each cell has to be hand-drawn whether that’s on paper or digitally this process could take a little extra time and that may equate out to a higher budget needed.

An animated doctor in a hospital setting

Silhouette animation

Silhouette animation is a very unique and stylized option when it comes to explainer videos. This animation place is dark characters and objects against a white background. It may be one of the older styles of animation, but it still has a place in the digital marketing age.

This style is very specific and therefore great for brands or businesses that are looking to have a more Avant guard feel to their explainer videos. It is a great option for those looking to highlight specific features and therefore we think this is a great option for educational purposes or training as well as explaining a service.

The lack of detail when it comes to the silhouette animation process allows for a shorter time frame to complete the project. Because of this and the fact it may not require as many animators you may find that this is one of the least expensive options that you can use.

Animation & live-action

No matter what type of video content you create it is going to have better results than static imagery. So, the idea of combining animation with live action is not only entertaining but could be very engaging when it comes to delivering your brand’s message.

Typically this animation is done by filming a live-action scene and incorporating animated elements. You can have your live-action actors interact with animated characters or even words and symbols to create an even more engaging product.

Because of the two different production processes, this type of animated explainer video will take longer. Not only will you have to allow for the time to film the live-action footage but also to create the animated assets.

On top of that, you then have to allow for time to combine the two and because of all of these steps, this option may be a poor one for a small business working with a tight budget.

2D/3D animation

Just like worth combining live-action with animation the idea of combining 2D with 3D elements is also an option when it comes to animated explainer videos. This type of animation is crafted typically with either the characters and objects being 2D or the background. Then the 3D elements and the 2D elements are combined together to tell a compelling story.

This is an intricate and difficult form of animation to include in your animated explainer video, but it can be very captivating, so we suggest you consider it. This type of animation is perfect for selling a concept or product.

The mix of the two styles takes a lot of finessing and time to raft the assets so this option will end up with a longer timeline when it comes to completion. The use of multiple styles of animation and that special finesse will also mean that this type of explainer video might not be a good fit for smaller businesses or services.


Infographics are an option that utilises typography with images and objects to help relay statistics. This combination often accompanied by sound effects and music allows the typically dry statistical information to be entertaining and engaging.

This type of animated explainer video is perfect for B2B businesses as well as brands that are looking to share metrics and analysis of those metrics. So, marketing businesses and other services that are looking to assist in improving business results and performance are perfect for this type of product.

On top of this, it’s great for business presentations and pitches. The simplicity of these infographics allows for a quick turnaround and a minimal expenditure when it comes to budget.

Outline animation

The use of varying weights of lines to create characters and objects is what characterizes outline animation videos. This very simplistic yet stylized option gives any explainer video a unique vibe and character.

Many startup companies and smaller brands often gravitate towards this type of animation. It is a great option for storytelling as well as outlining a process or service. It can also be used when dealing with pitch decks or even training videos.

Because it is simple 2D animation that is stylized it often takes less time than some of the other options and therefore requires a smaller budget. This may be why smaller companies and startups are drawn to this style of an animated explainer video.

Graphic animation

Graphic animation when it comes to explaining our videos helps elevate the engagement capacity of your video by incorporating motion and graphics with emotion. This is another type of stop motion animation that will take graphic elements and utilise stop motion techniques to explain ideas.

If a business offers services or products that are more complicated than normal this type of explainer video could be a great option. For that reason, startups and B2B businesses could get a lot of benefit from using this type of animation as it will allow them to explain there are complex concepts and ideas to their audience easier. On top of that, it’s eye-catching and that combined with a good script and sound work will create a captivating video for your audience.

The timeline for this type of animation fall somewhere in the middle ground. In regards to the budget, this is also the same as it depends on the agency that you employ and how intricate your video concept is.

Stop motion animation

Another animation option when it comes to explainer videos is stop motion. As we said in the paper cut out section above stop motion utilises pictures of objects that are moved gradually over time to create motion and build out your brand story.

There is something nostalgic about watching stop motion animation and this emotional reaction to this style makes it great for B2C companies. It is also a nice technique for startups who are trying to make an impression on their potential customer base.

The process does take quite a while and so the timeline tends to be lengthier than other options and there is extra equipment involved so that also means the budget can be a little steep.

A stop motion girl in a car

Final thoughts on animation choice

So when your business is looking to include an animated explainer video in your marketing strategy these are just some of the options that many agencies will offer. the choice of which style depends on the message and vision of what you’re trying to deliver to your customer.

It also is important to understand the time frame you have to complete the project as well as the budget. By looking at all of these aspects you should be able to choose the right type of explainer video that will optimize your customer engagement, retention, and conversion rate.

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